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Accreditation 2019-11-22T07:49:47+00:00

Institutional accreditation: granted until 07/19/2024

Valid until: 07/19/2024

Rating: 9.59 (nine point fifty nine hundredths)

Accredited professional fields and Majors from the regulated professions in

Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna

Professional field/Major from the regulated professions Valid until: Rating Capacity by
educational and qualification degrees
professional bachelor bachelor master total
3.7. Administration and Management 01.07.2017 positive evaluation of the project 500 25 525
5.3. Communications and computer equipment 09.03.2021 positive evaluation of the project 440 80 520
5.5. Transport, Navigation and Aviation 23.05.2019 9,22 700 300 1000
River Navigation 26.04.2024 9,04 150 50 200
Ship Manoeuvring 06.10.2022 9,04 2000 500 2500
Ship Electronic Equipment 12.01.2022 8,97 1350 150 1500
Ship Radio-electronics  12.01.2023 9,04 200 65 265
Ship machines and mechanisms 21.04.2022 9,03 500 100 600
9.2. Military Science
Organisation and Management of Military
formations at a tactical level
13.06.2019 9,41 250 250









Accredited doctoral programmes in Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna

Accredited doctoral programmes in Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna
Name Valid until: Rating Professional field
Military Psychology 18.12.2019 9,43 3.2 Psychology
Applied Mechanics 20.07.2023  8,69 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Power Supply and Electrical Equipment of Ship 20.07.2024 9,28 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Ship Steering and Navigation 16.12.2022  9,38 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Operation of water transport, maritime and river ports 16.12.2022  9,28 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Ship Building and Ship Repair Technology and Organisation 16.12.2022  9,18 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Ship Powertrains, Machines and Mechanisms 16.12.2022  9,40 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Radiolocation and Radionavigation 16.12.2022  9,18 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Communication Networks and Systems 16.12.2022  9,12 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation
Automatic Systems for Information Processing and Management 20.07.2024  9,19 5.3 Communication and computer equipment
Organisation and Management in Areas Other Than Material Poduction Field (National Security) 09.07.2024  9,77 9.1 National Security
Politico-military Aspects of Maritime Security 23.01.2019 9,07 9.1 National Security
Armed Forces Organisation and Management 18.12.2019 9,62 9.2 Military Science