BSAMI 2019-11-26T09:02:41+00:00

Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy is a member and co-organizer of the Black Sea Association of Maritime Institutions



BSAMI is an international organization created in 2010 by six Black Sea Countries with the specific aim to become the most important supplier of highest quality maritime human resources in the region.

BSAMI members share the following recognition:

  • Globalization will continue to be the main trend in 21st century
  • The globalized market requires best quality in all products and services to satisfy the needs of all people of the world, above all, safety, security, environment, amenity, and satisfaction, where the human elements play the most important role.
  • Maritime industries are most globalized of all. They require therefore the highest quality maritime human resources to accomplish their responsibilities.
  • The key elements of the highest quality maritime human resources are:

– Ideas and creativity

– Knowledge

– Skills

– Positive hard working attitudes

– Teamwork spirit

Those are all global virtues and values:

  • Technological developments led by information and communication technologies (ICT) in all areas of human activities will integrate all the existing systems into one whole bigger and complicated system.
  • Knowledge and innovation will be the key elements of such system, in which the global maritime system is an essential sub-system.
  • The roles of academic institutions in such environment have significantly wider and deeper than those in 20th
  • The competence and proficiency requirements for maritime human resources will inevitably become for higher and far more complicated in future.
  • The six (6) Black Sea Region countries provide about 20% of the total existing seafaring officers worldwide, sharing far bigger ratio in management level officers, and they will continue to be the main seafarer supplier to the world.
  • Based on the respective virtues and values as a national tradition in each country in the past, the six Black Sea Countries are globally recognized as one of the most important regions which will continue to supply such qualified maritime human resources in the 21st century.
  • The six (6) Black Sea Region countries share unique experience and capabilities through their common interests as well as varieties and diversities such as Black Sea MOU, Black Sea “The Best Bridge Team” international competition initiative.
  • The six (6) maritime institutions in the Region recognize the needs and value of a sound and firm foundation of an institution to meet the responsibility as a team, to further enhance the members thereof as the major global center of the highest quality maritime human resources through knowledge, innovation and implementation towards the future.