22320 Automated control of ship’s plants and systems
22321 Ship’s power systems
22322 Electrical equipment of marine platforms
22323 Electric drive of drilling, research and positioning plants and systems
22324 Engineering graphics of electrical equipment
22325 Automated shipboard devices and systems
22326 Automated shipboard electric drives
22327 Ship’s electrical power stations
22328 Maintenance of shipboard electrical equipment with voltage exceeding 1,000 Volts
22329 Ship’s lighting
22330 Electrical engineering
22331 Ship’s electrical equipment
22332 Medium voltage shipboard electrical equipment
22333 Electrical machines
22334 Fundamentals of automatic control
22335 Electrical safety
22336 Electrical apparatus
22337 High voltage shipboard systems
22338 Electric drive and electrical equipment
22339 Electrical measurements and electrical safety
22340 Fundamentals of electrical engineering
22341 Electrical efficiency
22342 Electrical materials
22343 Automated electric drives
22348 Electrical measurements
22349 Maintenance and repair of ship’s electrical equipment
22350 Theoretical electrical engineering
22351 Power electronics
22352 Power electronic converters
22353 Electromechanics
22355 Technology, exploitation and repair of ship’s electrical equipment
22356 Engineering technological maintenance of electrical equipment
22357 Maintenance and repair of ship’s electrical and electronic equipment
22358 Progammable logical controllers