23165 CAD systems in ship design
23164 CAD systems in applied mechanics
23148 Damage control
23381 Introduction in ocean engineering
23494 Dynamics of marine structures
23149 Dynamic positioning of marine structures and ships
23150 Experimental hydrodynamics
23384 Exploitation of marine structures
23375 Engineering graphics – F
23373 Engineering graphics – Ship’s engineering
23151 Computer modeling of processes in ocean engineering
23493 Control of ship seaworthiness
23492 Control of condition, maintaining safety, and activities in emergrncy
23489 Scuba diving training
23366 Machine elements and mechanisms
23152 Methods and means of research in ocean engineering
23482 Mechanics of sea waves
23153 Monitoring of marine environment
23154 Marine hydrodynamics
23485 Marine energy and raw materials resources
23383 Marine engineering structures
23155 Oil – gas potential of the Black sea region
23382 Oceanology
23356 Operative oceanography
23491 Crew organization and management and care for the ship’s staff in accordance with the marine legislation
23487 Ensuring ship seaworthiness – Ship’s engineering
23385 Underwater technologies
23157 Underwater technologies and structures for production of sea raw materials
23145 Applied mechanics
23376 Applied mechanics, vibrations and noise on board
23377 Applied mechanics, vibrations and noise on marine structures
23158 Design of marine engineering structures
23369 Structural mechanics
23584 Ship’s theory and arrangement – Exploitation of fleet and ports
23484 Ship’s theory and arrangement – Ship’s engineering
23146 Technical mechanics and engineering graphics
23367 Technical mechanics – Navigation
23159 Search, exploitation, production and transport of hydrocarbon resources in water areas
23160 Management of oceanographic information