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Student of the Year

The national award of Student of the Year was established in 2006 at the initiative of the delegates to the General Assembly of the National Association of Student Unions in the Republic of Bulgaria. This year’s 10th edition is conducted under the auspices of the minister of education and science.

The contest aims to popularise the achievements of Bulgarian students among the Bulgarian public, and the award is conferred upon individuals from all spheres of higher education.

The participants are to meet certain criteria. They are supposed to provide evidence for their achievements, submitting documents for the attained results in their scientific, cultural, sports and other activities related to the process of education on a national and international level.

All applications must be sent by 20 November 2016 by email.

For more information:

Diana Vasileva – national coordinator

Mobile: 0882971013

e-mail: students@npss.eu


By | 2018-06-25T14:44:15+00:00 October 27th, 2016|2016 en, Archives, News, students|0 Comments

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