Home/2018 en, News/New occupational field at Naval Academy: Communications and Computer Equipment

New occupational field at Naval Academy: Communications and Computer Equipment

On 29 March 2018 the Accreditation Council of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEEA) confirmed the decision by the Permanent Committee on Technical Sciences to launch the occupational field of education 5.3 Communications and Computer Equipment at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy.

That was preceded by a visit at the Naval Academy by an expert team in February to inspect the compliance with the NEEA criteria to launch the occupational field of Communications and Computer Equipment. During that time the team members had been introduced to the facilities at the departments of Information Technologies and of Electronics, and had been left impressed with what they saw.

For the time being, the following higher education courses will be launched within the new occupational field:

  • Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), at the Bachelor’s degree level;
  • Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), at the Master’s degree level;
  • Cybersecurity, at the Master’s degree level.

The new majors have been attracting great interest, evidenced by the fact that 49 of the available
intake of 60 for the Bachelor level ICT programme have already been filled by prospective students
during the early admission at the Academy.

By | 2019-11-29T14:30:31+00:00 November 29th, 2019|2018 en, News|0 Comments

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