We invite you to participate in the International scientific conference “First international conference on marine engineering that will take place on 21-23 November in Varna.
The purpose of this conference is to create opportunities for exchange of information between young scientists, PhD students and post PhD students, through traceability and highlighting of current directions of scientific researches in the field of marine engineering:
- for discussing of scientific achievements of young scientists;
- for creation of contacts between experts in marine engineering;
- for implementation of scientific achievements of young scientists;
- for development of conditions for forming of joint teams and starting of joint scientific projects.
The organization and conduction of the forum is supported by:
- Project BG05М2ОP001-2.009-0037-С01 “Support for development of PhD students, post PhD students, young scientists and lecturers”
- The Black Sea Association of Marine Institutions, BSAMI
- Bulgarian National Association of Shipbuilders;
- Bulgarian National Association of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
- Federation of Science and Technology Unions