Participants instructions 2018-06-23T07:25:14+00:00

The regulation provides participation after previously presented report with recommended volume of 8 standard pages. It is possible participation without report – as attending specialist.

  1. Working languages: English.
  2.  The reports could be sent in English;
  3.  The summaries of the reports shall be submitted to (coming soon);
  4.  Confirmation of received reports – to (coming soon);
  5.  Applications for participation in electronic form, together with copy of payment document – to (coming soon);
  6.  The full content of the reports shall be deposited at (coming soon) on the specified e-mail, accompanied by the thematic topic and author’s (authors’) names;
  7.  The applications for participation, the reports’ summaries and the reports should be sent on e-mail: or through the website of the conference.

Every individual participant (alone or in co-authorship) could participate with up to two reports.

The approved summaries will be included in the conference’s program. The reports with positive reviews will be included in the conferences’ collection and indexed in the international scientific content indices.

The reports should correspond with announced thematic topics of the conference and it’s shape should correspond to the technical requirements as per attached sample. Decision for publishing of reports in the forum edition is taken by the Scientific Committee.

Participation fee:

  • Registration fee:
  • For Bulgarian authors – 50.00 BGN
  • For foreign authors – 50.00 EUR
  • Payment after (coming soon) for Bulgarian authors – 100.00 BGN, for foreign authors – 100 EURO;
  • The participation of PhD students and postdoctoral students of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy is financed by project BG05М2ОP001-2.009-0037-С01 “Support for development of PhD doctors, postdoctoral students, young scientist and lecturers”.

Bank account of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy

IBAN: BG77 TTBB 9400 3115 0686 40
BIC: TTBBBG22, SG Expressbank