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Diplomatic visit

On 25 May 2017 Lieutenant Colonel Zdravko Petric, defence attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bulgaria, visited Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. He was met by the Rector of the Academy – Flotilla Admiral Prof. Boyan Mednikarov. Captain Associate Prof. Nikolay Velikov gave the diplomat a short presentation on the history, structure and activities of the educational institution. The attaché’s visit is related to previously sought opportunities for cooperation. The guest had specific questions about the conditions for education.

Because of his marked interest in the Academy, he was given a visual presentation of a large part of the simulators, the accommodation conditions, as well as the curricula of some the courses with the topics and contents that they cover.

By | 2017-05-28T14:05:30+00:00 May 25th, 2017|2017 en, News|0 Comments

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